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The Puppetry Art Center of Taipei Address, opening hours, and directions

Address: 2F, No. 99, Section 5, Civic Boulevard, Taipei City (next to the former Living Mall)
Public transport:

  1. By bus
202/203/205/257/276/605/669: get off at the (Living Mall) stop
204/266/278/ 282/288/672: get off at the Motor Vehicles Office stop
  1. By metro
  • Take the Songshan-Xindian line to Nanjing Sanmin Station (G18).
  • Leave via Exit 2 and walk along Jixiang Road to Bade Road.
  • Turn right after the traffic lights. Walk for about 5–10 minutes.
  • Take the Bannan line to Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station (BL17).
  • Leave via Exit 5.
  • Walk along Guangfu South Road to Civic Boulevard Section 5.
  • Turn right after the traffic lights. Walk for about 10–15 minutes.
Contact: 02-2528-9553