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Taipei Heritage Days: Embark on an Adventure as Explorers of Old Houses and Unearth Urban Memories Around Every Corner

Taipei Heritage Days: Embark on an Adventure as Explorers of Old Houses and Unearth Urban Memories Around Every Corner

On a perfect cool autumn day, for this year’s Taipei Heritage Days the public are invited to join the Taipei Old House Expedition, embarking on a journey to rediscover memory. Starting with Reading Old Houses, participants will transform into explorers guided by experts in history and culture. Through 10 different themes and a total of 33 expedition sessions, they will explore the stories of various areas in Taipei.

Along each expedition route, guided by experts, participants will absorb in-depth knowledge through visual and auditory experiences. They will also engage their senses in the spaces through special handicrafts and culinary activities, awakening their tactile and gustatory sensations. 

In addition to guided tours, this year’s Heritage Days also include a series of events: Old Houses Photography Salon, where photography experts will impart their skills and help participants capture images at heritage sites, allowing them to put into practice what they’ve learned; and Old Houses Visual Documentation, which invites participants to preserve the charm of old houses through imagery, documenting the beauty of cultural heritage.