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​B.DANCE—Before we say goodbye—B.Dance choreographers

Venue: The Stage, Taipei City Arts Promotion Office
Contact no.: 0916957515 (TAPO)
Time: 7:30 pm, October 30, 2021 & 2:30 pm, October 31, 2021
B.Dance art director Benson Tsai presents his fourth dance suite, choreographed with the life stories of nine dancers and many older people. The suite explores memories hidden in the deepest part of the soul, refining that warm inner space of the heart. Emotions are expressed through limbs that depict life’s days of rain and of sun, the impermanence of life and death, and the continuity of mind. Dance becomes an agile celebration, a fond recollection, a meandering reflection on feeling before life’s final chapter.
“As people, we all need to practice saying goodbye, but it is a hard lesson.” Zinnia Flower (2015)
Ticket prices: NT$ 500/700/900/1200/2500 (available at OPENTIX)
Concessions: 50%
Disabled people and one carer per person. (Carer’s name must be shown on Disability Card.)
Taipei City Government retired civil servants and teachers.