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Open House Taipei is an annual international experiential event centered on architectural spaces connecting 50 cities around the world, uncovering secret realms within the city little known to the public for a limited time.

Open House Taipei is officially endorsed by the London founders Open City and held its first festival in 2020. From November 12 to 13, 2022, over a period of 48 hours and in the spirit of civic participation, hundreds of exciting spaces in Taipei will be open to the public, free of charge, enabling all to get to know Taipei and learn the secrets that go into constructing everyday life in Taipei. 

It is hoped that this single event can be taken as a starting point and by building up connections can expand into a network of influence that connects professionals and public from the ground up, enabling everyone to become a partner in the shaping of Taipei’s environment.

Open House Taipei is a platform introducing urban textures and unique spaces. The theme this year is Social Taipei. Members of the public are invited to visit, observe, share, and play in various spaces, igniting dialogue on spatial renewal, venue building and the relationship between people and design. As participants uncover the city, they will get a feeling for how spaces connect people and how people shape spaces.