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228 memorial exhibition presents artworks of Chen and Pu

Taipei City's Department of Cultural Affairs unveiled a special exhibition in memory of the well-known Taiwanese painter Chen Cheng-po and his son-in-law Pu Tien-sheng at the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum from Feb. 28 to March 31.
This year marks the 63rd anniversary of the 228 Incident – the severe confrontation in 1947 between the Taiwanese people and the Kuomintang. Born in Chiayi City in 1895, Chen was elected member of the city council in 1946 and approached the Chinese Nationalist Army with other councilors to serve as representatives of peace.
The military, however, captured the four of them including Chen. On the morning of March 25, 1947, the four tied up with wires, were forced to march from a police station to a train station where Chen was shot dead in public.
Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin said Chen's works express the unique features of Taiwan's arts and his love for this land.
Lee Yung-ping, deputy mayor of Taipei City, also said the 228 memorial exhibition will highlight the power of arts and deep humanity.
Regarded as one of the most influential sculptors in the history of Taiwan art, Pu was renowned for bronze statues and busts of famous people including Lu Hsun, Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek.
Items of the exhibition include Chen's original oil paintings such as "The Camels” and Pu's bronze statue works. The most important displayed piece is a replica of Chen's last note for Pu on the eve of his execution.
Pu Hao-ming, eldest son of Pu Tien-sheng, said his grandfather Chen created the painting “The Camels” as a wedding present for his wife to show love and affection.
Those who are interested in understanding different aspects of the 228 Incident should visit this meaningful exhibition. For more information, please call (02)2389-7228 ext. 27