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The Red House: 2022 Literature Window Special Exhibition Missing · Ximen Girl

The novels Taipei People (臺北人) by Pai Hsien-Yung (白先勇), Notes of a Desolate Man (荒人手記) by Chu Tien-Wen (朱天文), and The Magician on the Skywalk (橋上的魔術師) by Wu Ming-Yi (吳明益) all take their historical backdrop, spatial setting, and characters from Taipei. Through these books, many people read, imagine, and construct their own idea of Taipei.
Missing · Ximen Girl (尋人·西門少女), a special exhibition for the 2022 Literature Window at the Red House, aims to tell people about Taipei and help them get to grips with literature through new perspectives.
This special exhibition uses the idea of missing persons to create a feeling of suspense. Five exhibition spaces present the characters and visual landscapes of the novels, inviting you to discover new perspectives in which you can find the Ximen girl of your dreams.
Date: July 20 to December 31
Location: The Red House
(02) 2311-9380 www.redhouse.taipei