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​Images of Taipei City—A Century of Architecture

Exhibition showing past glories of Taipei City starts Nov 24
The Taipei Zhongshan Hall Management Office and architect Pan Hsing-Hua have co-curated the exhibition Images of Taipei City—A Century of Architecture, which will open on November 24, 2021.
Pan Hsing-Hua has meticulously studied Taipei’s historic architecture and prepared digital reconstructions of twenty of the most important—but long demolished—classic buildings. Do you want a glimpse of Kikumoto, the first department store, and the luxurious Railway Hotel from the Japanese colonial era?
The pictures will be exhibited from November 24, 2021, to January 2, 2022, in the Exhibition Room and hallways of the second floor of Zhongshan Hall. Admission is free. Don’t miss it.
This exhibition of digitally reconstructed images shows now-vanished buildings constructed in Taipei during the Japanese era in a way that building plans, archives and blurry old photographs never could. The simulations are precise and accurate and show details that would not otherwise be possible. Visitors cannot fail to be touched by the beauty of these old buildings.
Co-curator architect Pan Hsing-Hua used digital graphics technology to meticulously study architectural records. By referring to the illustrations in land registration deeds, aerial photographs, and existing photographs of the buildings, he has prepared simulations that can be studied and appreciated in fine detail. His high-resolution, full-color images reproduce the buildings’ original appearance, enabling visitors to see and understand classic architecture of the past and enjoy beautiful stories of Taipei City.
Three major historians—Chang Che-Sheng, Wang Tso-Jung, and Ling Tsung-Kuei—will also take part in the exhibition, sharing their tales of old Taipei City.
For further details, see https://www.surveycake.com/s/XRM8M.