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Wander Through the Old Houses | Route 1: Life in Dadaocheng

[Guided tour]


Chen Dexing Ancestral Hall → Wenmenglou → Shophouse No. 329, Section 1, Dihua Street (Rice & Shine)


Route introduction:


The position of Dadaocheng Wharf (大稻埕碼頭) in the river transport system made it the most important commercial port in Taipei, drawing an influx of businessmen. Even after a hundred years, Dihua Street (迪化街) remains a lively, bustling hub. Learn about the history of sex work at Wenmenglou (文萌樓), look back on the prosperous history of the rice trade at Rice and Shine and visit Chen Dexing Ancestral Hall (陳德星堂) to see the houses of wealthy businessmen. Take a trip to Dadaocheng and traverse the streets to experience the matchless elegance of the Dihua corridor.


Date: September 17

Related information: https://www.accupass.com/event/2208011016502969961740