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The 23rd Taipei Literature Award 1st Online Documentary Video Award Winners

We have changed our approach to the Literature Award: the conventional ceremonies of the past will no longer be held. For the 23rd Taipei Literature Award each winner was invited to submit their own videos with some unique literature insights or commentary that freely expresses their feelings or reactions to winning the award. The videos were uploaded to the Taipei Literature Award website (https://literature.award.taipei/about.html), and writer Tom Wang acted as moderator. Deputy mayor Ping-Kun Tsai, Chih-Cheng Lo (one of the judges) and Chi-Man Lai (creator of the “Sprouting” trophy) recorded videos paying tribute to the winners.

In a video, deputy mayor Ping-Kun Tsai congratulated the award winners and said that although the pandemic had made this past year very difficult, the creation and reading of literature had not been affected. More works were received this year than ever before, and many of the winners were much younger than in past years. Five foreigners also submitted entries, which sho https://literature.award.taipei/about.html https://literature.award.taipei/about.html ws that Taipei has already become a significant urban brand for global Chinese literature creation. Moderator Tom Wang said that he had special emotional ties to the Taipei Literature Award as it had helped him understand the mindset of the young generation and made him rethink his own life, and that reading their work had made him feel young again.