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Opening Concert, Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO) 2023/24 Season

Opening Concert, Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO) 2023/24 Season

As we wander through the warm summer days, we are excited to welcome the opening concert of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra’s 2023/24 Season, where we can indulge in the infinite charm of art and culture. 

This new season features three major series: Revisiting the Classics, The Warmth of the TCO Family, and The Iridescence of Traditional Arts, comprising a total of 48 sets and 54 captivating performances. We invite music enthusiasts to experience the finer aspects of artistic expression through song, music, dance, drama, and more.

Building upon years of experience, the TCO has introduced more innovation in the new season, transcending traditional boundaries and exploring new realms of music. In addition, we are honored to welcome a host of international maestros and ensembles to Taipei, including conductor Muhai Tang, pipa virtuoso Man Wu, erhu artists On Yuen Wong and Sunny Wong, violinist Lu Siqing, William Wei, Susan Tang, percussionist Hsin-Hsuan Wu, and the Twincussion Duo. Fans will be able to bask in these distinguished artists’ stage presence up close and partake in the moving musical feasts they bring.