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2022 Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival | Memories of Building the Military Village Together


2022 Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival Memories of Building the Military Village Together img 01

The 2022 Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival, organized by the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs, will run from October 7 to 30, 2022. This year’s festival centers on the theme of “memories of building the military village together”—a welcome and an invitation. Themed events relating to military villages have been planned, including podcasts, film showcases, and feature publications. 

In the context of “building together”, it is hoped the festival will involve diverse perspectives and attract people with an interest in military villages to step beyond the red dappled gates, read and listen to stories behind the door, and immerse themselves in historical memory, discovering the invisible threads running through the city by actually taking part in the stories and building memories together.

Urban Walking Tour to Rediscover Vanished Military Villages

#Enter City Alleys and Follow in Expert Footsteps to Find Hidden Traces of Military Villages in Taipei City

A series of urban walking tours, in conjunction with the Military Village Observatory《眷村觀察學》publication, have been planned to center on vanished military villages in Taipei. Local cultural workers will serve as guides and lead the public through little-known local stories hidden within the bustling alleys of Taipei, read hidden signs in the city left behind by military village culture, and observe the textures and trajectories of urban development in the preservation of military village culture and the process of urban renewal.

Listen to Feature Podcasts and Revisit Military Village Scenes of the Past

#Podcasts Explain How Military Villages Are More Than Meets the Eye

This year’s Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival uses podcasts to break through the geographical restrictions of physical activities. Experts from a variety of fields will speak on subjects such as preservation, documentation, space, music, film, life, and residence. Listeners can tune in to enter the gates of the military villages and learn about the influence of military village culture.

Feel the Pulse of Historical Memory in Connecting Military Village Promotional Base and Film Festival

#Come Experience Military Village Cultural Tour in Taipei This Weekend

In the second half of the year, the four military village promotional bases (Heart Village, 中心新村; Huanmin Village, 煥民新村; Jiahe Village, 嘉禾新村; and Si Si Nan Village, 四四南村) will mount themed exhibitions in conjunction with architecture and farming experience workshops. Each exhibition will feature the specialties of one village and will take the public back in time to experience life and memory in the past. 

The Military Village Era Film Festival will attempt to respond to memories of film watching in military villages, delving into issues of migration, women, and the appearance of settlements through a diverse film curation. 

Don’t forget, you can win special gifts if you bring along the special event publication during the event period, visit the four military villages, take part in designated activities to collect stamps, and complete designated tasks. (Gifts available while supplies last.)

Huanmin Village: Toad Mountain Main Hall img 02

Huanmin Village: Toad Mountain Main Hall

Promoting Military Village Culture Preservation to Protect a Sense of Belonging for the Elderly and Sentiments for Younger Generations

Military villages live on in the memories of a specific group of people and of the city. They belong to a specific past era and also to a future era. In the hope of protecting a sense of belonging for the elderly and sentiments for younger generations, the 2022 Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival provides a space for people with experience growing up in military villages to share scenes from their memory. People without actual experience living in military villages can also discover their own connections with snippets of military village culture by discussing different issues, to open up possibilities for writing future stories and building military village memories together. 

▍2022 Taipei Military Village Cultural Festival: Memories of Building the Military Village Together

Time | October 7 to October 30

Venue | Heart Village, Huanmin Village, Jiahe Village, Si Si Nan Village, SPOT Taipei Film House