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Pan Family House, Shilin

Pan Family House, Shilin
Pan Family House, Shilin

The ancestors of the Pan clan arrived in Taiwan during the early Qianlong era of Qing Dynasty. In late October 1859, after “Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Clash” (a battle between immigrant groups from two different areas, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, of Fujian Province in mainland China), Pan yong-qing and Pan sheng-qing, the fourth generation of the Pan clan, marked out Shilin new street and Cixian Temple . They also participated in educational and political affairs. This well-known family is mentioned on the pillars and inscriptions of the three greatest ancient temples of Shilin.
The house, used as the ancestral shrine of the family, is not designed with extra rooms. Facing west, the house is straightly divided into a forecourt, a main entrance, a central courtyard, a hall, a mid-hall, a pavilion, a back hall, and a back gate. Because people are allowed to pass through this private house, this building, therefore, functions like a public road, which is called “Juguan” by neighbors.