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Huang Family Qianrang Estate

Huang Family Qianrang Estate
Huang Family Qianrang Estate

When ancestors of the Huang clan, immigrants from Anxi in Quanzhou County, Fujian Province, arrived in Taiwan during the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty (c. AD 1740), they first settled in Fanshuliao in the Tamsui area, later moving to this area, originally known as Longanpi. The fourth generation of the Huang clan joined together to build a traditional Chinese mansion, set along a footpath amidst rice fields. They gave it the name “Lianrang Estate,” later changed to “Qianrang Estate.”
Oriented toward the south, this traditional southern Fujianese three-sectioned redbrick farmhouse was comprised of a central building with left and right wings. Initially, the wings were single-sectioned structures, and were later augmented to accommodate steady family growth. The original well, still to be found in the rear of the house, is of considerable historical significance. Now part of the Longmen Junior High School campus, the estate is used in its Taiwan Studies program.