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Huiji Temple, Zhishanyan

Huiji Temple, Zhishanyan

Built between 1752 and 1764, Huiji Temple is dedicated to the worship of the Sage King Chen Yuanguang, founder of the Zhangzhou district of Fujian. The temple has been rebuilt five times. The current structure was constructed in 1968. It is made predominantly of cement, in which a few stone sculptures from older generations of the temple have been inlaid. The front hall is dedicated to the Sage King Chen Yuanguang, while the upper floor of the rear hall is dedicated to the god of scholarship Wen Chang, and the lower hall is dedicated to the Buddhist deity Avalokiteshvara.
In 1786, rebel military leader Lin Shuangwen rose up against the Qing authorities, attacking Zhishan. In the Lin Shuangwen Incident, many local people of Shilin were massacred next to Huiji Temple. A tablet was later erected at this location as a memorial. Other architectural remnants from the early period of settlement in Shilin, such as the Zhishan Huaigu Pavilion, a tablet attesting to the donation of the grounds, a narrow gate originally part of fortifications, and a funerary temple, can still be found in the vicinity.