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The Zhong Shan Building, Yangmingshan

The Zhong Shan Building, Yangmingshan
The Zhong Shan Building, Yangmingshan

The Zhong Shan Building was constructed in 1965 to commemorate the centennial birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, father of the Republic of China, and the renaissance of Chinese culture. It was meticulously designed by noted architect Hsiu Tze-lan according to the personal concepts of then ROC president Chiang Kai-shek and his wife Madame Soong Mei-ling. The entire building is based on China’s tradition of imperial architecture, with a cascading structure and roof of green glazed tiles. The upturned eaves convey a dramatic sense of motion, as if the unfolding of a great bird’s wings. The complementary combination of red eaves and white walls makes the building appear particularly magnificent.
The Zhong Shan Building is an important venue for state banquets, major government conferences and receptions. Its Chinese Culture Hall, the dedicated conference area for the ROC National Assembly, is of particular historical significance as a witness to the constitutional development of the Republic of China.