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Mark The Date: Wellspring Theater (Main Venue主劇場) Now Accepting Phase 2 Applications for Limited Slots from August 12 to 18 and August 26 to September 1, 2024

I.    Slot application and review procedures follow the guidelines outlined in the Operating Guidelines for Wellspring Theater, Taipei City (臺北市水源劇場場地使用作業要點). Events should primarily focus on performing arts, such as music, dance, drama, interdisciplinary theater arts, and should align with Wellspring Theater’s purpose.

II.    The available slots for this period are as follows:

(a)    From Monday 12 August to Sunday 18 August 2024 

(b)    From Monday 26 August to Sunday 1 September 2024 

III.    Application Period:

Applications must be submitted at least 55 days before the intended date of use, e.g. for a date of use of 12 August 2024, applications must be submitted no later than 18 June; for a date of use of 26 August 2024, applications must be submitted no later than 2 July 2024. The Chunghwa Post postmark will be taken as proof of time of submission. If sent by express delivery, convenience store delivery, or other specialized delivery services, submissions must arrive by 5 pm on the day of the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

IV.    Applicants can download instructions, application forms, contract templates, and other relevant documents from the Wellspring Theater website (https://culture.gov.taipei/cp.aspx?n=50E12856E54EF895&s=A5CF617F28BA3038). Submit your application letter, completed application form, project proposal, audio-visual attachments, etc., before the deadline.

V.    Before submitting your application, please visit the theatre to check whether the facilities are suitable for your performance. To arrange a site visit, contact the administrative team of Wellspring Theater (水源劇場行政組) on (02) 2362-5221. For further inquiries, contact Miss Yang at the Arts Development Section (藝術發展科) of the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs on 1999 (Taipei City) or (02) 2720-8889 ext. 3537 (outside Taipei City).