By Ken Kieke
Staff writter
Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin and Vice Mayor Chen Hsiung-wen presided over a forum on film and television industry policy for Taipei on November 14. Participants in the event included the heads of the city’s Bureau of Culture and the Departments of Urban Development, Economic Development and Finance and Information and Tourism along with close to a hundred representatives from the local film and television industry. The forum was called in order to give leaders in the city’s government and film and television industry a chance to exchange ideas and discuss relevant regulations and policy. Liou Wei-gong, Director of the Bureau of Culture, opened the forum with a briefing on Taipei City's film and television industrial policies and introduced three areas that the industry might consider for the development of a film and television production park.
Mayor Hau pointed out that Taipei City is the creative capital of Chinese culture and has a pronounced influence on movies, television, pop music and other areas of popular culture in the Chinese-speaking world. He said that such an honor obligates the city to dedicate itself to developing its resources of cultural and creative talent. He noted that recently waves of Japanese and Korean pop culture have made their way into Taiwan in large-scale ‘attacks’, making those in the local industry very nervous and anxious to work on developing and expanding the relevant industries in Taiwan. Hau invited the attendees to express their opinions on how to resolve this problem. He stressed that the Taipei City Government is determined that "if anything is to be done it must be done properly, we are playing for real!" Hau explained that in the current economic slowdown, it is important to develop not only the film and television industry, everyone must also work to stimulate the economy and spur employment for all.
Following Liu’s briefing television and music industry representatives had an opportunity to express their views on several matters. After that, the various bureau and department heads from Taipei City Government responded to the questions and suggestions offered by those in industry.
Mayor Hau touched on the need to nurture and develop creative talent. He told the gathering that he welcomes ideas and proposal from quarters such as the pop music world. In addition, he said, Taiwan's strong point in cultural and creative industries is the island’s tremendous store of talent and innovative minds, and Taiwan must continue to emphasize the training of human resources in every aspect of the film and television industry.
Mayor Hau noted the Taipei City Government is working with the Ministry of Culture to form a world-class team that will oversee the development of the Taipei Pop Music Center in Nangang, which is expected to open in June 2014. He pointed out that the facility will provide a well-equipped space where Taiwan’s music producers and specialized talent can gather to create and to perform.